Skin cancer is one of the most often diagnosed cancers in the United States, affecting people of all ages, ethnicities, and skin tones. The majority of skin cancers are benign basal cell and squamous tumours that may be surgically removed.

Skin malignancies that originate as moles (melanoma) can be extremely hazardous, even fatal. Self-examinations should be done on a monthly basis to detect any changes in moles or new skin growths. People with an excessive amount of moles, those with a history of previous skin malignancies, and anybody who has had repeated blistering sun burns as a kid should see a dermatologist for a complete body skin check on a frequent basis.

Skin Cancer.

In the United States, skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer. Melanoma, the most deadly kind of skin cancer, is responsible for the majority of skin cancer deaths. Melanoma kills about 100 individuals in New York City every year, and almost 1,000 more are newly diagnosed.

Skin cancer may strike men and women of any age, as well as people of all races and ethnicities, including those with darker skin. White individuals are more likely than other racial/ethnic groups to get skin cancer and die from it. Knowing how to protect yourself against skin cancer is crucial. Early identification and prevention are the most effective strategies to avoid skin cancer.

What is Screening?

Screening is the process of identifying persons who are in the early stages of a disease. This is prior to the onset of any symptoms. For screening to be effective, the following tests must be performed:

Overall, the system must bring more benefit than damage to those that participate, and it must be something that people are willing to do. Screening tests are not without flaws and come with certain hazards. For the NHS, the screening programme should also be cost-effective.

Skin Cancer Screening

What Is the Best Time to Get a Skin Cancer Screening?

In the United States, most medical organisations do not have precise age guidelines for when to begin undergoing visual skin examinations. There is, however, no improper moment to begin tests.

According to Abhishek Aphale, MD, a dermatologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center, “anyone who has specific risk factors should receive a baseline skin exam.”

If you have any of the following, you may be at high risk for skin cancer:

  • Skin that is light in colour
  • Blonde or reddish-brown hair
  • Eyes that are blue or green
  • Skin that readily burns or freckles
  • Sunburns in the past
  • The usage of tanning beds has a long history.
  • A profession that necessitates spending a substantial amount of time outside.
  • A personal or family history of skin cancer is a risk factor for developing skin cancer.
  • There are a lot of moles.

Aphale advises obtaining a baseline skin inspection as soon as possible if you discover a first-degree relative has skin cancer.

What are the different Types of Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer screening is necessary to establish the sort of skin cancer that the dermatologist is working with. Skin cancer comes in a wide variety of forms.

The following are the most well-known types:

Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma On the exterior, basal cell carcinoma can range from being transparent to having a fleshy colour, with ulceration and tiny blood vessels. Squamous cell carcinoma manifests itself as a crusty, red, and even scaly lump or area on the skin.

The tumour is rapidly growing. Melanoma is a melanoma that is a coloured region that is asymmetrical, has an uneven border, varies in colour, and is larger than 5 mm in diameter. UV-light is the primary cause of these three forms of skin cancer.

Vacations with a lot of sun, tanning beds, and performing a lot of work and exercise outside in the sun are all risk factors for the development of these skin cancers. Melanoma may run in families, so be sure you notify your dermatologist if anybody in your family has had a melanoma diagnosis.

Know Your Skin Cancer Risk Factors.

The following are some of the risk factors for skin cancer:

  • Natural skin colour that is lighter
  • Skin cancer in the family
  • Personal experience with skin cancer
  • Sun exposure at work and play has a history of sunburn, particularly in children.
  • Indoor tanning has a long history.
  • In the sun, skin that burns, freckles, reddens quickly, or gets uncomfortable
  • Eyes that are blue or green
  • Red or blond hair
Skin Cancer Screening

Non-Melanoma and Melanoma Cancers have Different risk Factors.

Risk factors for non-melanoma skin cancer include:

  • Long-term exposure to natural or artificial sunlight (such as that obtained through tanning beds).
  • Having a clear complexion, which comprises the following characteristics:
  • Fair skin that freckles and burns readily, tans badly, or does not tan at all.
  • Eyes that are blue, green, or any other light hue.
  • Hair that is red or blond.
  • Actinic keratosis is a kind of keratosis that affects the skin.
  • Radiation therapy in the past.
  • A weakened immune system is a condition in which one's body's defences are compromised.
  • As a result of being exposed to arsenic.

The following are some of the risk factors for melanoma skin cancer:

  • Having a clear complexion, which comprises the following characteristics:
  • Fair skin that freckles and burns readily, tans badly, or does not tan at all.
  • Eyes that are blue, green, or any other light hue.
  • Hair that is red or blond.
  • Long-term exposure to natural or artificial sunlight (such as that obtained through tanning beds).
  • Having a history of severe sunburns, particularly as a youngster or adolescent.
  • Having a high number of moles or a huge number of tiny moles.
  • Having a history of odd moles in your family (atypical nevus syndrome).
  • Melanoma in the family or personal history.
  • Being a white person.


Biopsies of the skin come in a variety of forms:

Incisional skin biopsies - The doctor removes a small sample of a larger lesion or questionable area on the skin using a scalpel.

Excisional skin biopsies – In this procedure, the physician removes the whole lesion with a knife, which is usually done on much smaller lesions or suspicious skin locations.

Punch skin biopsies – A punch is a tiny device that is used to extract a circular piece of skin from a lesion that covers all layers.

Shave skin biopsies – A small layer is shaved off the top of the lesion or suspected location using instruments.

What can you do to Prevent Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is a disease that may easily be avoided. For prevention, follow these easy steps:

Skin Cancer Screening
  • The greatest defense is to stay inside during the peak hours of sunshine.
  • Wear protective clothes such as long trousers, long sleeves, and a hat with a broad brim. SPF clothing is available, with a value of at least 30-50 providing the most effective protection.
  • When out in the sun, use sunscreen and eye protection.
  • Avoid tanning beds at all costs.
  • Excessive sun and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure should be avoided.
  • Make good use of sunscreen.
  • When performing jobs that are physically taxing on your skin, use protective equipment (such as gloves).
  • Quit smoking.
  • Cleanse your skin thoroughly.
  • Examine your skin for lesions and potential melanoma on a regular basis.

Our skin cancer oncologists work closely with our dermatologists to provide professional screening and treatment for skin cancer.