You have every reason to be concerned if you are suffering hair loss. Hair loss, especially rapid, dramatic hair loss, can be a sign of a serious medical problem as well as an aesthetic one. Hair loss that happens gradually, on the other hand, is a typical, albeit undesirable, occurrence in both men and women. While abrupt hair loss should always be treated by a doctor, many types of hair loss may be effectively treated with lifestyle changes, hair replacement therapies, and treatments to restore hair growth.

Hair loss or thinning may be a frustrating experience for both men and women. As a result, Spectrum Dermatology only provides the most effective hair loss treatments, with choices for treating all types of hair loss. Hair is linked to self-esteem and confidence, and losing it may be especially distressing for women. Hair transplants used to be the sole option, but they're risky, costly, and need a lot of recovery time.

For the scalp, there are currently alternatives such as the Smart Graft. The optimal treatment approach, however, is determined on the kind of hair loss. The first step in diagnosing the kind of hair loss is to identify it. There are over a dozen different forms of hair loss. When you have a full head of hair, you have between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on your head. A receding hairline and/or thinning at the crown are signs of male pattern baldness. It's also known as androgenic alopecia, and it's the most prevalent kind of hair loss in males.

A bad diet, calorie deficit, or a lack of critical nutrients can all exacerbate hair loss. Traction alopecia is a condition that affects people who keep their hair in ponytails or cornrows (which can be corrected simply by letting the hair down). While each person has thousands of hairs, the typical person loses about 100 every day. That quantity might be significantly more if you're balding or have thinning hair.

Alopecia areata is another form of hair loss that develops when the immune system assaults hair follicles. Nobody knows what triggers the onslaught, but biopsies have revealed that immune cells in hair follicles may be to blame. Alopecia universalis is a term used to describe any kind of alopecia that has progressed to an advanced stage. This hazardous illness, also known as complete hair loss throughout the entire body, is harmful since hairs are an important component of staying healthy (i.e., eyelashes and nostril hairs).

9 Common Hair Loss Types

1. Androgenetic

Androgenetic alopecia is the most prevalent kind of hair loss in the United States, affecting more than 50 million men and 30 million women. Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern hair loss, is a hereditary condition that can be treated with medication or surgery.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss in males can start at any age after puberty and continue for years or decades. It begins above the temples and extends around the perimeter and top of the head, leaving a ring of hair at the bottom of the scalp. Male pattern baldness affects a large percentage of males.

Hair Loss 

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Hair thins gradually over the scalp in women, although the hairline does not generally recede. Although hair loss can start anytime after adolescence, many women see it as a normal part of ageing. Female pattern hair loss can result in significant hair thinning, although it seldom leads to baldness.

2. Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a condition that causes significant hair losing throughout the whole scalp. It is caused by anaemia, low iron, insufficient protein, thyroid disease, surgery, or sickness. The loss of huge volumes of hair in one's hairbrush, in the shower, or on one's pillow is one of the earliest indications of telogen effluvium. This form of hair loss usually reverses in six to twelve months without the need for additional treatment once the main cause has been addressed.

3. Trichotillomania

Patchy hair loss on the scalp and in the beard region is a symptom of this condition. Smooth, circular patches the size of a quarter or bigger appear when the hair comes out. The immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing this kind of hair loss to occur in both children and adults. Alopecia areata can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

4. Alopecia Areata

Patchy hair loss on the scalp and in the beard region is a symptom of this condition. Smooth, circular patches the size of a quarter or bigger appear when the hair comes out. The immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing this kind of hair loss to occur in both children and adults. Alopecia areata can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

Hair Loss

5. Hereditary

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern hair loss and thinning, is a genetic disease that causes hair follicles to shrink, reducing the amount of time hair spends actively developing.

6. Non-Hereditary

Stress, nutrition, a hormone imbalance, or a traumatic incident can cause hair follicles to remain in the resting state, resulting in temporary hair loss, also known as telogen effluvium. This causes more hair to fall out and a transient thinning throughout the entire scalp.

7. Effluvium Anagen

Anagen effluvium is a kind of hair loss caused by medicinal treatments like chemotherapy. These powerful and quick-acting drugs destroy cancer cells, but they also have the potential to stop hair follicle development in the scalp and other regions of the body. Hair generally comes back on its own after chemotherapy. Dermatologists can prescribe medicines to help hair regrow faster.

8. Barbae Alopecia

Alopecia Barbae is a form of Alopecia Areata that affects men's beards and causes circular areas of hair loss. The origins of Alopecia Barbae, which can progress slowly or quickly, are unknown, although it is considered to be caused by genetic predisposition or autoimmune disorders. Hair loss is also thought to be caused and exacerbated by conditions that influence the immune system, such as sadness or stress.

9. Diffuse Alopecia

Diffuse alopecia generally strikes suddenly, impacting the person in a matter of seconds. Hair loss is not as noticeable as in other hair disorders since it does not follow a logical sequence and shows itself extremely sporadically without following a pattern of baldness.

It is a condition that is mostly caused by hormonal imbalances, such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism, but it can also occur as a result of stress or sadness, or as a side effect of some drugs.

There are five types of diffuse alopecia: postpartum, menopausal, thyroid, febrile, post-traumatic, and medication.


Our dermatologists do a thorough physical examination, examine medicines, and collect a full medical and family history to diagnose hair loss. Additional tests to establish the kind of hair loss may be necessary as part of the hair consultation.

The following are examples of tests:

  • Hair pull: When a dermatologist softly pulls a portion of hair to see how much comes out, it's called a hair pull.
  • Scalp biopsy: A tiny piece of the scalp (3mm–4mm) is removed for examination under a microscope; this technique is conducted at the bedside and requires local anaesthetic and suture insertion.
  • Blood testing: To check for a variety of deficiencies that might cause hair loss; these tests may also be performed as part of a treatment plan if the patient is a candidate for particular oral medicines.
  • Other tests include: Skin swabs of the scalp are used to check for specific scalp disorders and to look for infectious etiologies that may be causing hair loss.