About Dehydration

When your body uses or loses more fluid than it takes in, dehydration occurs, and your body becomes unable to carry out its normal functions owing to a shortage of water and other fluids. If you do not replenish lost fluids, you will get dehydrated. The lack of adequate water in your body is known as dehydration. Drinking before you're thirsty is the greatest method to avoid dehydration. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated, which can lead to headaches, tiredness, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms. Heatstroke and other life-threatening diseases can be caused by dehydration.

The truth about dehydration

  • To operate, the body need water.
  • When water intake falls below water loss, dehydration develops.
  • Symptoms might range from minor to fatal.
  • Dehydration is particularly dangerous for the young and the elderly.

What Is Dehydration

When your body is dehydrated, you are not getting enough water. In the human body, there is plenty of water. It aids in the proper functioning of your body. Mild dehydration can cause blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature issues. Dehydration might also leave you feeling weak and confused. It can cause brain damage and possibly death in the worst-case scenario.

Sweat, tears, breathing, urine, and faeces all lose bodily water on a daily basis. Drinking fluids and eating meals that contain water help to replenish this water. There are several reasons for dehydration. Diarrhea or vomiting may have caused you to lose water. It's also possible that you're perspiring as a result of activity or the heat. Electrolyte imbalances are frequently caused by a loss of water. The body requires electrolytes, which are minerals and salts. Sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are some of the minerals found in them.

Dehydration in children 

When the body loses more fluids than it takes in, youngsters get dehydrated. Dehydration, which can be caused by not drinking enough fluids or by severe diarrhoea, vomiting, or fever, is more common in babies and children. When your child's body lacks sufficient fluids to operate correctly, it might result in serious consequences.

Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children (RMHC) physicians and support personnel are local specialists who can help you manage dehydration and detect the indications of dehydration in children. We're here to assist you if you sense anything isn't quite right with your child.

Key Point

  • When you're dehydrated, your body doesn't have enough fluids to carry out its usual activities.
  • Thirst is an indication that you need to drink more water.
  • Dehydration is most common in babies, older individuals, and those who work outside.
  • Drinking modest quantities of water often might help to alleviate mild dehydration. Electrolyte solutions could also work.

Water makes up between 55 and 78 percent of your whole body weight. Water makes up roughly 78 percent of newborn newborns, 65 percent of one-year-old babies, 60 percent of adult males, and 55 percent of adult women. Your brain and heart are both made up of 73 percent water. Water makes up 31% of your bones, 79 percent of your muscles and kidneys, and 64 percent of your skin. Your lungs are made up of a staggering 83 percent water.

Water helps:

  • Help in digestion and waste elimination.
  • Your joints should be exercised. Water acts as a lubricant.
  • Saliva production (which you need to eat).
  • Chemical balance in your body It's necessary for the production of hormones and neurotransmitters in your brain.
  • Ensure that oxygen is distributed throughout your entire body.
  • Your bones will benefit from the padding.
  • Control the temperature of your body.

Assist your brain, spinal cord, and, if you're pregnant, your foetus with shock absorption. Water is vital to your health, particularly in hot conditions. It prevents overheating in your body. Your muscles produce heat while you workout. Your body has to expel that heat in order to avoid burning. Sweat is the primary method through which the body expels heat in hot conditions. Sweat cools the tissues below it as it evaporates. Sweating significantly lowers the body's water content, which has an impact on regular biological processes. Take a drink!

So, what are your options?

If you're dehydrated, drink plenty of fluids like water, diluted squash, or fruit juice. These are far more beneficial than consuming big quantities of tea or coffee. Fizzy beverages may contain more sugar than you require and may be more difficult to consume in big quantities.

If you're having trouble keeping water down due to vomiting, consider drinking little quantities more often.


Dehydrated infants and little children should not be given significant volumes of water as their primary replacement fluid. This is due to the fact that it may dilute the already low quantity of minerals in their bodies too much, causing other issues.

Instead, they should be given diluted squash or a rehydration solution (available from pharmacies). A teaspoon or syringe may be useful for administering liquids to a young kid. Severe dehydration, if left untreated, can result in fits (seizures), brain damage, and death.


The most frequent signs of dehydration are listed below. Symptoms, on the other hand, might vary from person to person.

Here are some examples of potential signs and symptoms:

  • Thirst
  • Fainting
  • Headache
  • Urination that is less frequent
  • Skin that has become dry.
  • Fatigue
  • Tiredness
  • Light-headedness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Mucous membranes and dry mouth

Additional signs and symptoms in children are:

  • Tongue and mouth dry
  • When weeping, no tears flow.
  • For a few hours, no wet diapers.
  • Abdomen, eyes, and cheeks that are drooping
  • Listlessness
  • Irritability
  • When squeezed and released, skin that doesn't flatten.

How can you know if you're dehydrated?

Your medical history and symptoms will be discussed with your doctor. The doctor may also inquire about any recent illnesses or activities. A physical examination will also be performed on you. The doctor will take your blood pressure, temperature, and heart rate. You Blood or urine testing may be required.

What is the treatment for dehydration?

Treatment will be determined by your symptoms, age, and overall health. It will also be determined by the severity of the disease. If your dehydration was caused by an infection, you may also be treated for diarrhoea, vomiting, or a high temperature. You may need IV (intravenous) fluids if you have moderate to severe dehydration. Dehydration of this severity is a medical emergency. It has to be treated straight quickly in a hospital with IV fluids.

Fluids can be consumed to treat minor dehydration. Not just water, but also electrolytes like sodium and potassium, may need to be replenished. Water and electrolytes can be replaced with sports drinks. Water, fruit juices, tea, and soda are other acceptable alternatives. Some energy drinks, teas, sodas, and coffee beverages fall under this category. Alcohol should not be consumed. Caffeine and alcohol have the potential to cause your body to lose more water. Discuss the risks, benefits, and side effects of any therapies with your healthcare professionals.