Definition of Asthma

Asthma is a breathing condition that affects the airways. You may find it difficult to breathe during an asthma episode. Asthma is incurable. Treatments, on the other hand, can help you manage your asthma and maintain an active lifestyle.

Asthma is a common chronic (long-term) lung disorder in which the bronchial tubes, or airways, in the lungs become inflamed. As a result of the inflammation, the airways become more vulnerable to external stimuli such as dust, smoking, pet dander, or cold air.

An asthma attack can develop as a result of several causes. The muscles around the bronchial tubes constrict, the lining of the airways becomes irritated, and the airways generate excessive mucus, making breathing difficult. Are you interested in learning more about asthma? Continue reading to learn what experts know about this respiratory ailment, why some people get it while others don't, lifestyle changes that can help you manage asthma, and how to avoid asthma complications.

What Is Asthma?

Most of the time, we don't give breathing any thought. When it comes to the vital function of transporting air into and out of the lungs, our bodies operate on autopilot. That is, until we can't take a breath, at which point we realise how intricate our oxygen-intake mechanism is, Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways, also known as the bronchial tubes. Unlike a brief battle to breathe caused by seasonal allergies or a common cold that will go away, asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airways, also known as the bronchial tubes.


When you have asthma, the inflammation in your airways produces swelling, which narrows the pathway into your lungs. As a result, the air you breathe has less space, causing you to gasp, cough, wheeze, and feel short of breath. More than 25 million individuals in the United States have asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a higher number than ever before. Over 5 million children under the age of 18 have asthma, according to the CDC.

This means that one in every thirteen persons in the United States suffers from this chronic illness. While the majority of asthma illnesses (80 percent to 90 percent) originate in childhood, asthma can strike at any age. Asthma can progress over time. If you had mild or severe asthma as a child, it may have improved to the point that you no longer notice it. It can, on the other hand, reappear as an adult in response to a new respiratory illness, the acquisition of a pet, or a change in living situation. Although asthma cannot be cured, it may be properly managed, allowing you to live a full and active life. If you're diligent in sticking to your treatment plan, an asthma diagnosis doesn't have to flip your life upside down. What would that entail? Let's take a big breath and jump right in.

Coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, and breathing difficulty are all symptoms of an asthma attack. The assault occurs in the airways of your body, which deliver air to your lungs. The airways in your lungs narrow as air passes through them, just like the branches of a tree narrow as it passes through the trunk. The sidewalls of your lungs' airways expand as the airways narrow during an asthma episode. Less oxygen passes through your lungs, and mucus produced by your body clogs the airways.

Knowing the symptoms of an asthma attack, avoiding triggers, and following your doctor's instructions can help you manage your asthma. When you've got your asthma under control, you should be able to do the following:

  • You won't experience any symptoms like wheezing or coughing.
  • You'll have a better night's sleep.
  • You won't be late for work or school.
  • You can participate in whatever physical activity you choose, and
  • You will not be required to visit the hospital.


The swelling (inflammation) of the airways causes asthma. The lining of the airways expands and the muscles around the airways become tight during an asthma episode. The volume of air that can travel through the airway is reduced as a result of this.


Asthma symptoms can be triggered by breathing in allergens or triggers, as well as other factors.

The following are some of the most common asthma triggers:

  • Animals are creatures that live in the wild (pet hair or dander)
  • Dust mites are a kind of mite that lives in the
  • Certain medicines (aspirin and other NSAIDS)
  • Weather variations (most often cold weather)
  • Chemicals in the environment or in the diet
  • Physical activity is important.
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Infections of the lungs, such as the common cold
  • Emotions that are strong (stress)
  • Tobacco smoke is a harmful substance.
  • Asthma can affect one or both parents.
  • Allergies in the family have a hereditary component.
  • Infections of the lungs and lungs as a youngster.
  • During infancy and early childhood, when the immune system is still developing, exposure to allergens or diseases is common.

What Is an Asthma Attack?

Asthma is caused by intricate interplay between an individual's inherent genetic composition and environmental factors. The variables that lead a genetically susceptible person to develop asthma are mostly unknown.

Asthma risk factors include the following:

  • Allergic disorders run in the family
  • Hay fever is something i've had in the past (allergic rhinitis)
  • During the flu season, viral respiratory illnesses such as respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) are common.
  • Childhood
  • Cigarette smoke exposure
  • Obesity
  • Socioeconomic disadvantages
  • Pollution of the air or the burning of biomass


Asthma is classified as either intermittent (comes and goes) or persistent by healthcare practitioners (lasting). Asthma that persists might be mild, moderate, or severe. The frequency with which you experience episodes is used by healthcare practitioners to determine the severity of your asthma. They also take into account your ability to do tasks during an attack.

Asthma can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Allergies: Asthma attacks can be brought on by allergies in certain persons. Allergens such as moulds, pollens, and other substances can trigger an allergic reaction.
  2. Asthma flare-ups can be triggered by non-allergic causes. A flare-up might be triggered by physical activity, stress, sickness, or the weather.


Asthma is a common chronic (long-term) lung disorder in which the bronchial tubes, or airways, in the lungs become inflamed. As a result of the inflammation, the airways become more vulnerable to external stimuli such as dust, smoking, pet dander, or cold air.

  1. Medical history: If you have a family member who suffers from a respiratory condition, your chances are even higher. This genetic link should be brought to your doctor's attention.
  2. Examination of the body: With a stethoscope, your doctor will listen to your breathing. A skin test may be performed to check for indications of an allergic response, such as hives or eczema. Asthma is more likely if you have allergies.
  3. Breathing tests are performed: PFTs (pulmonary function tests) assess the amount of air that enters and leaves your lungs. The most frequent test, spirometry, involves blowing into a device that measures air velocity.